September 1, 2021

 I'm making this post to show a time stamp and to prove I'm right and have been since day one.

Now that I have beaten Tess  at Subspace EG, 2 months in a row by well over 50 million points each month, this post is to show how predictive, unimaginative, child like and pressed Tess is.

Today, Tess has been locking up MadMarv (the bot) with flags to make him (a bot) gain points.

I started to take MadMarv (the bot) out and take the flags, but then I had a thought, prove to her the mess she is.

I'm going to let Tess assist MadMarv (a bot) to make more points than I have, this will  GUARANTEE    

Tess will say something to the affect of....

"You are not that good if a bot has more points than you hahahahahaha"

"You were beaten by a bot hahahahahaha"

All this from a woman that claims to be retired who sits in this game room 24/7 and attacks anyone that comes in to play the game, this is how she treats a gay man in is early 20's.
