Lady Vader and Stormkeeper lose their SH!T
This was from a couple of days ago, I forgot I took the screen caps. But this is classic butthurt Lady Vader 😁
After playing EG with Tess and Stormkeeper the flags went back and fourth but when the jackpot hits 100K Lady Vader aka Tess likes to drop the flags.
Lady Vader aka Tess and Stormkeeper were pretty deep into to top base when boom I got Stormkeeper and and BOOM BOOM I got Lady Vader aka Tess.
They both switch Freq. to join me and the flags and Lady Vader aka Tess admits to trying to TK me they both proceed to their fits of hate rage; break 2 major rules of the game... and I get banned.
This is what makes Lady Vader aka Tess the Never was a mod and never will be so...
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