Bitter Betty Phone S3x and Noodz
Lady Vader aka Tess aka Never was a mod and never will be is bitter and we now know why 😂
Our source tells us that back in the day, Lady Vader aka Tess lived in the Extreme Games zone 24/7, much like she does today. We were told that she "did everything she could to be a mod, letting everyone know she was in there so much and she knew the game inside and out."
Not only was Lady Vader aka Tess the Zone's tattletale and reported every little thing could because she, "thought that would get her a mod job" but failed.
She also, "sent noodz to (we are not releasing those names - its not about them) and not just noodz but pics of all up inside." and she claims she "Also called them and gave them phone sex." must not have been all that good because she was never made a mod. 😂😂😂
Was it Lady Vader aka Tess that made a complaint to the police that they were sending underage pics in the game as a way to get back at them for not making her a mod?
Is that why Lady Vader aka Tess still to this day ruins that zone and attacks anyone that dares to go in and play?
Makes sense to me....
I used to think Tess aka Lady Vader was a lesbian with penis envy but turns out she has mod envy, she's bitter because she was never made a mod... and never will be 😂😂😂😂😂😂
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